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December 10, 2010 / tom0r0

Digital art and links

I reviewed some of my notes over Christmas and found a few links. One in particular stood out; ‘we feel fine’, by Jonathan Harris and Sep Kamvar.

What made me laugh most of all was that when selecting and showing my housemates some of the emotions, the first I went to was suicidal.

Above is the pulse room. I thought this was pretty good. Someone holds on to these bars and their heart beat is recorded. Its presented in the form of light from a bulb in front of the them and then repeated to another bulb in the room. This process is repeated over and over. Its cool to see various peoples beats and how they may change in response to what they see.

Apparently their instruments were stolen so they decided to use Ipod Apps to perform on a subway train. To be honest I think its just a publicity stunt to get more followers and for Apple to help them get money. This is a cool video though and definitely shows off some great things that can be achieved from today’s technology.

This is a great video, something that appeals to me being a photographer. Also because messing with the public can be fun, in terms of my work at the moment I am looking at how people judge and make decision on what they have been told prior.


People are now confused at what digital art is. This is because, if you look across the internet for example, you have to look through a lot of rubbish until you find something that you may like. However if you look at the software itself in which you use to look through the rubbish as art. I also look at the videos above and wonder whether this is that art or whether the actual doing is the art. For example; looking online at pieces of artwork is not the same as going to an exhibition to see them or producing the work yourself. YOU CANT EXPERIENCE THE 3D IN 2D.

Process – taking a picture on a camera today is produced/ stored on an SD card. Is the function of storing the data on the SD card the art or the end product/ image?

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